On social media, food and the dining experience always looks glossy and perfect – but it’s exhausting. Applebee’s is closing that gap with a campaign that rips off the filter and shows what food truly looks and feels like on your plate. You can come for a good meal, and relax, with none of the pressure.  Let’s bring authenticity back to the dining experience with…

The Real Meal

Print // OOH


In a world of sleek gray siding and Instagram-wooing grass walls, don’t you miss the experience of looking around during a meal and seeing something that feels like a real person decided to put it there? Applebee’s is bringing that feeling back with BYOD: Bring Your Own Decor. For a limited time, if you’re dining with us you can take a doggy bag and leave a doggy photo - and we’ll hang it up in our restaurant.


AD’s: Carli Milroy and Abby Dempsey 

CW: Kelly Combs